Based on the investigations, tests and experiments, we have created K2 QUANTUM, the synthetic protective wax. This is an exceptional product on the basis of the highest quality polymers, ensuring the long-term paint protection. Furthermore, it includes unique colour amplifying aids and exposes deep lustre. After its application, the paint becomes completely smooth allowing water droplets to runoff the paintwork.
• K2 QUANTUM was submitted by us to an extreme test. To highlight the effect, we have matted the bonnet with paper of gradation 2000. • the right part of the bonnet was protected with K2 QUANTUM, the left one – with a competitive wax available on the market.• After 15 washes with use of the means applied commonly in car washes, the protective layer provided by K2 QUANTUM remained untouched. This is evidenced by the behaviour of water drops on the surface of the bonnet.• the protective layer provided by the competitive wax proved to be much weaker.